Friday, August 5, 2011


I started my day with walk at the track. I was able to extend my running to just over 3/4 of every other lap. As a result of the additional, I was able to fit in one extra lap in the time I allotted for being at the track. My goal is that by next Friday, I would like to be running every other lap in full. I'll have to figure out how to bump it up from there.

Eating was good all day long. I allowed myself a treat in the evening. My husband and I watched baseball and then Chopped. We nibbled at sliced cheese, pepperoni and crackers while we did. I weighed out some cheese for me and knew that each pepperoni was about 10 calories. I had a Mike's Hard Lemonade as well. I wound up being above my daily calorie target, but not too far and I need to allow myself a little extra occasionally if I am going to succeed long term.

#s to Go: 27.6
Calories Consumed: 1695 calories
Calories Burned:
4.5 mile walk/run, 12:53 pace, 626 calories

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