Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's Been a While...

but, it is time to refocus my effort. I had been doing okay last year with my workout and eating. I even spent time on my vacation working out. It was great...then, we had a trip to Disney, Thanksgiving, Christmas, illness, and work travel rolled into a very busy 3 month window and well, needless to say, even with regular activity, I just couldn't seem to overcome the additional food and spirits that I was consuming. So, here I am re-embarking on my weight loss journey. I still have the same long term goal weight, which I still have not met. But, I also have a short term incentive to get there. I potentially have a trip coming up for work that includes time hanging out at the pool. If I am going to hang out with co-workers by a pool, I need to feel good in my own skin. I only have about 9 weeks, but would love to lose at least 15 pounds by then. I recognize that it is a lofty goal, but also know that the first few weeks of renewed focus usually lead to some larger losses, before my body settles into a pound or two per week.

Yesterday I did Spin Class in the morning and then went for a 1.75 mile walk/run in the evening during the kids' swim lessons. Eating was good...I certainly was hungry, since I am used to eating more, but I moved through and it was all good. I stayed near the low end of my target.
I am not a diet or fitness expert. I am a mom, just trying to be healthy and fit. All opinions expressed are my own.

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