Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Well, as promised to myself, I got up this morning and tried out Zumba on the Wii. Had I planned ahead, I think that I would have thought to run through the tutorials yesterday. Not that it would have made a big difference likely, I concluded that I was not very coordinated and that with minimal prompts on move transitions in the routine, I likely need to do the routine about 10 more times before I have a clue. That's okay, I enjoyed it, so I will (to quote Tony) "keep pressing play". I am not sure if I will try it again tomorrow or try to mix things up. The question is, if I mix it up, do I go with Wii Fit or do I go with a P90X workout or do I do something different. My running partner (or such as it was) asked if I wanted to go to the track sometime this week - I asked if they plowed the track. I would love to go and run, cold doesn't bother me so much as trudging through snow that will cause me to slip and/or my feet to be soaked.

Food was okay. Returning to work was a bit of an adjustment. I failed to bring my water cup with me, so I drank less water than normal. There were still some random snacks around from assorted Christmas gift baskets that people had received (some of them after those people left for the holiday). I stuck with popcorn. It was only 160 calories per serving - even for the cheese flavored. It felt "safe" as a snack.

Calories consumed: about 1450 calories

Zumba for the Wii - 41 minutes; tutorial, plus workout
shoveled the driveway

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