Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Weekend is Here!

I am so glad that it is finally the weekend. I'm not sure what it is about short work weeks, but they seem somehow longer than a regular week. Is it because we just got back from an extended time off or is it that we all try to get a full five days of work into the four days - whatever it is, it makes them the most crazy, tiring weeks I know of.

Yesterday, eating was really good. I was a little rushed in the morning with meetings and only had my banana. Let me tell you, without my oatmeal, I was HUNGRY. I tried a new chip (at least new to me) at lunch. It was Smartfoods Selects Popped Chips. They are hummus based! I tried the Garlic Basil Tomato flavor. They were yummy and the small bag that I got was only 100 calories. I had been eating the Cheddar Baked Lays lately, but they are 140 calories. I'm thinking that if I make this trade, I can have one of those 35 calorie chocolates as a treat later!

I wound up not fitting in a walk or other workout yesterday. I feel bummed about it, but life happens. I can't control the rain or my neck. Speaking of which, the neck seems to be better, in that I can turn my head without pain in the neck, but there still is tendon/muscle strain of some sort, because where I don't feel the pain in my neck, I still get some in the 'scalp' area when I move or stretch in a certain way (yawning and sneezing are the two that catch me off guard and I can't avoid).

I have noticed that I eat more on Saturday. I think it is because I love to take the time to have a bowl of cereal and milk with my banana chopped into it for breakfast. I had almost 200 calories more at breakfast today than I normally do. I guess I will have to see how that balances out through the rest of the day. Not sure how I will fit in a workout today...lots of stuff on the calendar with two kids with two sports each, plus tryouts and all-star games on the calendar. On a positive, they did remove the rain from the forecast, so maybe we can find time to fit in a walk.

The scale continued to move in the right direction - and that is a good thing!

Hope you have a wonderful Saturday.

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