Sunday, June 3, 2012

the busy weekend

Saturday was an incredibly busy day for us. We had soccer and baseball and an 'unplanned' visit from friends. All of which had a net impact on my overall day of eating and exercising.

As I mentioned yesterday, I was a little surprised by how many more calories I consume at breakfast on the weekend, when I have milk, cereal and banana instead of oatmeal made with water and a banana. Well, we were on the move enough that much of the rest of the day, I didn't have the chance to eat much. Lunch we had sandwiches, to save a few calories, I ate it on a single slice of bread. It was still very satisfying. For dinner, I went with homemade pizza, which was reasonably okay with only 450 calories for the serving I enjoyed. My biggest challenge was sharing a bottle of wine with friends. It was a large bottle of wine and the three of us shared it, but it still added 350 calories to my day. One less glass and I would have been right within my daily target, but I finished my day up about 55 calories beyond my target.

Despite my concern that I wouldn't find time to fit in exercise, I found time for two walks. The pace was slower than normal for the first one (17 min/mile), and extremely slower for the second one (21 min/mile). My daughter and I walked up to the All Star baseball game in town for my son's age group. He wasn't playing, but my husband was coaching and some of my son's teammates and other friends were playing. After about 5 innings, she was ready to go and we walked home. Each direction was about 2 miles, although on the return trip we actually had a leave and return interval of just about 1/4 mile. On the way home, she was goofing around and fell down and scraped her knee. At that point, she walked so SLOW! It was still good. I am happy to have gotten in over 4 miles of walking on a day that I expected to get in none.

Overall, the scale inched down...better than the other way, but certainly a motivator to be more measured in what I eat.

Today, I'm hoping to fit in some gardening as my exercise. It certainly is late, but I need to get in my garden before it is too late for the season.

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