Monday, September 10, 2012

Brisk Morning!

Well, suffice to say, it was cold outside. But, there must be some value in that, as my pace for my walk/run was at 11:30, a full 30s faster than my typical morning. I wound up pushing myself to do 3+ laps of running followed by sprint intervals for a total of 5 laps at the track. Again, I was time constrained. In theory, meeting the other ladies bright (or should I say dark) and early, sounds like a great plan, but I have yet to fully execute on it. Sure, it was dark up there this morning, but I could go earlier and do more distance. Although I did have to really push myself to complete three laps. I started with a plan of running 4 laps straight and then walking 1 lap. That turned into, maybe I run 1, walk 1 and then run 3. I decided I could keep going after 1 and then was good. I likely could have pushed for the full 4, but allowed myself a chance to catch my breath, besides I love sprint intervals.

Eating was a mess this weekend. We had more meals out then I care to remember. We even went for ice cream - but at least we walked there. Yesterday was a pretty good return to normal, so hopefully, today won't find me munchy mid-day simply because I ate bigger this weekend.

With the cold and the dark, I'm thinking that in a couple of weeks (October?), I might have to change up my schedule and workout inside 2-3 days and run outside the other 2-3 days. I guess I will just wait and see, when it is too cold, I will likely have to move it all indoors for a few months.

I need to get back to walking at lunch as well. It is a great stress relief and makes me feel good too. Plus, bonus activity like that will help me reach my goal faster. This will make me feel better about working out inside in the mornings too.

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