Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I started my day today with a run/walk. It felt awesome. I wasn't sure I could do it, and there were points on the first portion of the run where I didn't think I would get to the end of the lap. But, I kept pushing and I did it. I ran/walk on a 2/1 lap pattern. In the end, I ran 2 1/8 miles of the 3 3/8 miles at the track. I was very proud of myself.

A good run has it's drawbacks though I guess, because now I am dog tired. Falling asleep on the couch when I have a to do list a mile long (still trying to do the things remaining from returning from vacation).

Eating was pretty good. I forgot my banana this morning when I left for work and I found myself very hungry as lunch approached. I had my Chef Boyardee Be the Chef House Party tonight, I tried the dishes, but think I did good with the portions. I counted a full portion of each of the dishes that I tried, but think I had a little less than that.

Now off to get a good night's sleep.

#s to Go: 25.4
Calories Consumed:
1441 calories
Calories Burned:
4.69 mile walk/run; 12:05 pace; 630 calories

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