Tuesday, August 9, 2011


As expected, after enjoying my dinner out last night, the scale reflected it. I was up slightly.

I had hoped to start with a standard walk, but the weather didn't want to cooperate, so I did a 3 mile walk at home DVD. I actually wound up completing one mile three times. It worked well for me, although I really missed getting outside. So, when the sun came out for lunch time, I decided to take a walk to the furniture store to see what types of desks that they might have for my son. I think it was about 3/4 miles each way. The app I used was significantly crazy and reported the one way trip at 1.7 miles. I know it wasn't that far, I don't walk that fast!

I tried to reign in my eating today. I did eat the leftover pizza from dinner last night, but I skipped the crusts!

#s to Go: 29.4#
Calories Consumed: 1440 calories
Calories Burned:
3 mile walk at home; 300 calories
1.5 miles walk; 150 calories

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